Get to Know Purple Vegetables and Fruits, Their Health Benefits

Purple fruits and vegetables look beautiful to the eye. In addition to its attractive color, it turns out that the nutritional content is not kidding. Here are types of purple vegetables and fruits complete with health benefits!

Purple Vegetable and Fruit Nutrition

Purple vegetables and fruits are rich in anthocyanins, which are substances that give a striking color while also contributing antioxidants and phytonutrients. Purple food ingredients are also low in fat and contain natural sugars that are easily absorbed by the body.

The benefits are truly diverse, ranging from a healthy diet menu, and preventing cancer, to fighting signs of premature aging of the skin. Purple fruit also fights cataracts, and heart disease, maintains the health of the nervous system, fights radiation, neutralizes stress, and prevents pathogenic infections.

Types of Purple Vegetables and Their Benefits

Do you like to eat purple fruits and vegetables? The following is a list of 11 types of purple vegetables and their benefits for the body!

Purple cabbage

Purple cabbage is commonly used as a salad. This beautiful vegetable contains anthocyanins, vitamins A, C, and fiber. Helps fight inflammation and boosts body immunity.

Purple eggplant

Purple eggplant is a purple vegetable that turns out to be effective in lowering cholesterol levels, fighting infections, and maintaining weight. However, don’t fry it because the eggplant will absorb a lot of oil. Eggplant should be eaten or used as a stew.

Purple potatoes

Purple potatoes contain four times more antioxidants than regular potatoes. It’s best to wash it clean and eat it with the skin because most anthocyanins are in the skin.

Purple potatoes are anticancer, safe foods for diabetics, as well as a healthy diet.

Purple carrots

Purple carrots contain polyphenols, antioxidants, cinnamic acid, and chlorogenic acid. Very useful for maintaining heart health, preventing diabetes, and fighting obesity.

Purple corn

Purple corn is on the rise lately. Beneficial for heart health, digestion, anticancer, and safe for diabetics.

Purple cauliflower

Rich in folic acid, fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, potassium, and selenium. Half a cup of purple cauliflower is enough to meet the body’s daily requirement of vitamin C to strengthen immunity.

Purple asparagus

Asparagus is known as a food to improve blood flow, is anticancer, and is good for heart health. Apart from being used in salads and stir-fries, this plant is also beautiful as a room decoration.


Beautiful beets are used as a substitute for sugar for diabetics. Apart from that, beets are also good for immunity, digestion, a healthy diet, and normalizing blood pressure.

Purple kale

Contains quercetin, kaempferol, p-coumaric acid, vitamins A, C and B. Besides being good for boosting immunity, purple kale also fights inflammation and infection.

Purple sweet potato

Purple sweet potato is widely found in Indonesia. This purple vegetable is rich in fiber and carbohydrates, low in sugar, and safe for diabetics. Purple sweet potato also contains anticancer substances.

Purple Fruit and Its Benefits

Besides vegetables, purple fruits are no less nutritious. Here are 9 of them:


Contains polyphenols, antioxidants, vitamin C, folic acid, magnesium, potassium, manganese, and various other important substances. The blackberry is a super food for maintaining a healthy heart, eyes, and anti-cancer.


Not much different from blackberries, blueberries are also a superfood with high polyphenol and antioxidant content. Besides being safe for diabetics, it can also overcome inflammation, increase antibodies, and speed up cell repair.

Dragon fruit

This soft fruit is very good for digestion because of its high fiber. Also rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, and various minerals. Dragon fruit is a powerful anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory agent.

Red wine

Red grapes are rich in vitamins C and A. Resveratrol is a natural substance that fights heart disease and prevents inflammation in the body.

Acai berries

Apart from being very effective against cancer, strengthening immunity, and nourishing the brain, Acai berries can also prevent signs of premature aging of the skin.


This cute fruit looks similar to blueberries at first glance. Plums are rich in vitamin C and fiber. Maintain digestive health, repair cells, and treat canker sores.

Black currants

Blackcurrant is a type of berry that grows in Europe and Asia. Rich in vitamin C and polyphenols and very good for heart health, digestion, and anti-cancer.

Purple passion fruit

Usually, passion fruit is yellow, but there are also types of purple passion fruit. This fruit is rich in antioxidants and phytonutrients such as vitamins A and C.


This pure white-fleshed fruit is rich in vitamin C, B vitamins, folic acid, and antioxidants. The xanthone substance contained in mangosteen peel is a powerful anti-cancer. Mangosteen also fights inflammation and improves digestion.

So, from the various types of purple vegetables and fruits above, which one is your favorite? Don’t forget to eat food with a balanced and varied menu so that the nutrients that enter the body are also complete.